Ruth was very generous with her information she is such a calm matter-of-fact teacher.
Every one produced beautiful work, so colourful and vibrant.
I wouldn't be able to pick a favourite - I liked them all.

Just look at those trees!

Just thought I'd show you this. It's the carrier bag and paper bags that my goodies came home in from Easton Walled Gardens. The gardens are so beautiful you will definitely be seeing them again.

Just look at those trees!
Just thought I'd show you this. It's the carrier bag and paper bags that my goodies came home in from Easton Walled Gardens. The gardens are so beautiful you will definitely be seeing them again.
This is as far as I have got with my hanging - not very. There is a reason for that though, the first set of leaves I made looked awful when I laid them on the felt so I threw them in the bin and started again!
This time I used Lutradur, something of a conversion for me. You may remember I have a problem with this product I think it is the way it feels that puts me off. How ever I got stuck in and I'm glad I did because these leaves look so much better and as you can see that's what I'm going with. Slowly but surely.
I love the carrier bags from Easton on the Hill they are very pretty. Having taken part in that workshop i agree with all you said it was fabulous.
I was a great workshop... but what a ghastly picture of me!
You managed to catch my worst (and grumpiest) side ;)
The course was brilliant and I cant wait to wash mine out today and see how it all turned out!
We had a great time, didn't we? And lots of tea and bikkies too. Perfect! I've washed my fabrics out today and they're all ironed too. Just need enough light to photograph them.
Looks like a great workshop with LOADS of work done. Why am I sitting here instead of getting on with my cushion??? x
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