This Snowdrop is the first one to appear in my front garden. It's reassuring to know that spring is on its way even though it doesn't feel like it. I think it's amazing that anything can grow when it is so cold, nature really is amazing.
I had my tooth out on Monday but I didn't feel a thing I was fast asleep! I did ask the dentist to take them all out but he wouldn't. So I will only have to go through it all again. Now I've got an ear infection...........................
I always love to see the first snowdrops when they appear - they're so delicate and beautiful. Hope you feel better soon.
I keep forgetting to go and check the garden for snowdrops. If they're there they'll probably get covered in snow tomorrow. Sorry to hear about your ear infection, I used to get them a lot as a child - not nice.
Ouch, ouch to the ear - no fun at all.
Lovely cheerful spring photos - a bit different from today I think.
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